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Saturday, November 10, 2007

comuter home based business

  • Commuting to and from work everyday can take its toll on every person who may have spent five or ten years of his life waking up every morning and dreading the traffic, the pollution and the now-familiar faces of his officemates. Because of this, working at home has always been an attracted option for almost everyone.

But not everyone can start a home based business from scratch. A home based business, no matter how simple, will require capital and resources. But the twenty four dollar question being asked by most people is “would it be possible to start a home based business with minimal capital?”

A home based business is generally cheaper to establish compared to a regular business primarily because the former will require minimal overhead. A big part of capitalization needed for a regular business will go to the initial and monthly rent expenses but this is not necessary for a home based business.

Household facilities like telephones and refrigerators, computers and other office equipment can also be used for the home based business so there is no need to put up additional capital for these. The only capital you have to put up is for marketing although you can be creative and still use existing materials for this.

There are plenty of home based business ideas to choose from depending on your hobbies, interests and experiences. If you are good in cooking and budgeting you can start with a catering business. You do not need to buy anything else except your raw ingredients and perhaps some basic professional dishes for catering. You can start with the business using the ordinary kitchen utensils you have and you can invest on more professional equipment as you earn from the business.

  • If you own a computer and a printer you can already start a printing and computer home based business even with minimum capital. Among those you need to buy includes extra ink for your printer, and perhaps bond and specialty papers. This home based business will require your creativity and computer experience so no need to invest more than what is necessary if you are still starting the business.

Another cheap home based business is photography and photo editing. If you have a digital camera and a computer plus you have the basic knowledge in photography and digital photo editing and storing then you can already start the business. You can start a home based photography shop, taking advantage of the fact that most people are too busy to go to malls or photo shops to have their pictures taken. Most clients would need photos for job and passport applications.

You can also offer photo restoration or transfer of their existing photos to CD.
There are other home based businesses that requires little o no capital at all depending on the resources you already have. It is a matter f researching and taking stock of what you k now, what you have and what you intent to put up as a business venture.

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